Submitting a game
Games published in the Playgama catalog will be stored on the Playgama server. This means that adding a game requires uploading an archive with your game through the upload window.
You can upload a new game or one previously created and published on other platforms to the Playgama server. The main requirement is the integration of the Playgama SDK.
Step 1. Prepare Your Game
Check your game for compliance with the requirements.
Step 2. Open the Game Upload Window
Go to the upload window (click the button "Add Game" in your personal account).
Step 3. Complete All Fields
The support team will make additional changes, fix description errors, and optimize the description and other fields if necessary. However, to speed up the moderation process, we recommend ensuring the accuracy and correctness of all fields yourself.
Game Title*: This will be displayed in the catalog and searchable. We recommend using a short, 2-3 word name that is clear to players and easy to remember. The game title should be the same as shown in the game.
Game Archive*: Attach an archive with your game. The root of the archive should include the index.html file. The maximum total file size of the game inside the archive is 300 MB. You can upload multiple archives if your game is implemented for different platforms. The format should be ZIP. After uploading the archive and processing it for a few minutes, the QA Tool button will become available. Clicking it will allow you to test your game.
Link: If your game is already published somewhere, please provide a link to it.
How to play*: A brief description and instructions for the game, displayed in the developer's cabinet and Playgama catalog for users. Specify the rules and objectives of the game.
Media: Add a couple of screenshots, covers, icons and videos of your game. If you don't have any, no worries – this field is optional.
Engine*: Specify the engine used for your game.
Platforms*: In addition to Playgama, we have several partners where the game can be published. For better monetization, we recommend specifying all platforms if your game is not already on them.
Game Languages*: Specify all languages supported by your game.
Supported Devices*: List the supported applications and browsers. This list will be used for automatic game filtering in the Playgama catalog for users. For example, if only the Mobile – iOS platform is selected, the game will not be shown in the catalog for Android users.
Orientation: Please specify the screen orientation in which the game can be played on mobile devices.
After filling out all fields, click the “Submit” button to send the game for moderation. You can still change game parameters and resubmit the application even after submission. If you partially complete the form and want to return to it later, click the “Save as a draft” button.
After submission, you will see your game and its moderation status on the Dashboard page. If this is your first game, the moderation team will contact you within a few days, create a chat, and provide updates on the moderation status. Publishing on Playgama, if there are no issues, takes 3-5 business days, and up to 2 weeks on partner platforms
Last updated