Use this to let players create posts about their achievements or updates directly from the game.
Check if the create post feature is supported on the platform.
func_ready():var"vk": options ={"message": "Hello world!","attachments": "photo-199747461_457239629"}"ok": options ={"media":[{"type": "text","text": "Here you can see odnoklassniki API docs(click the link)"},{"type": "link","url": ""},{"type": "poll","question": "Do you like our API?","answers": [{"text": "Yes"},{"text": "No"} ],"options": "SingleChoice,AnonymousVoting"} ]}, funcref(self,"_on_create_post_completed"))func_on_create_post_completed(success):print(success)
func_ready():var"vk": options ={"message": "Hello world!","attachments": "photo-199747461_457239629"}"ok": options ={"media":[{"type": "text","text": "Here you can see odnoklassniki API docs(click the link)"},{"type": "link","url": ""},{"type": "poll","question": "Do you like our API?","answers": [{"text": "Yes"},{"text": "No"} ],"options": "SingleChoice,AnonymousVoting"} ]}, Callable(self, "_on_create_post_completed"))func_on_create_post_completed(success):print(success)
Add to Favorites
Allow players to bookmark your game for easy access in the future.
Check if the add to favorites feature is supported on the platform.