Platform Parameters
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At any time, you can retrieve values for specific parameters that you might use in your game, such as the user's browser language.
Identify the platform on which the game is currently running to customize features and settings accordingly.
Returns the ID of the platform on which the game is currently running. Possible values are: playgama
, vk
, ok
, yandex
, facebook
, crazy_games
, game_distribution
, wortal
, playdeck
, telegram
, y8
, lagged
, msn
, poki
, mock
Check the language to display proper text labels.
Get the language set by the user on the platform or the browser language if not provided by the platform, to localize game content.
If the platform provides user language data, this will be the language set by the user on the platform. If not, it will be the browser language.
Format: ISO 639-1. Example: en
, ru
Embed auxiliary information into the game URL to pass additional data or settings when launching the game.
This parameter allows embedding auxiliary information into the game URL:
Crazy Games
Retrieve the top-level domain of the platform to handle domain-specific configurations and behavior.
Returns the top-level domain (TLD) of the platform. If there is no data – null
. If the data is available – com
, ru
, etc.
The usage of Send Message action with the parameter GAME_READY is mandatory!
Don't forget to implement it.
Send predefined messages to the platform to trigger specific actions or events, such as signaling that the game is ready.
Game Ready
The game has loaded, all loading screens are passed, the player can interact with the game.
In-Game Loading Started
Any loading inside the game has started. For example, when a level is loading.
In-Game Loading Stopped
In-game loading has finished.
Gameplay Started
Gameplay has started. For example, the player entered a level from the main menu.
Gameplay Stopped
Gameplay has ended/paused. For example, when exiting a level to the main menu, opening the pause menu, etc.
Player Got Achievement
The player reached a significant moment. For example, defeating a boss, setting a record, etc.
Check if the game tab is visible or hidden, and adjust game behavior accordingly, such as muting sound when hidden.
Returns the current visibility state of the game (the tab with the game). Possible values: visible
, hidden
React to changes in visibility state. For example, mute the game sound when hidden
and unmute when visible