
Interstitial ads typically appear during transitions in the game, such as level loading or after game over.

Minimum Interval Between Displays

Set the minimum time interval between interstitial ad displays to comply with platform requirements and improve user experience.


To change the interval:

# Default value = 60

Interstitial State

Track the state of the interstitial ad (loading, opened, closed, failed) to manage ad display and user experience.


Returns the current state of the interstitial ad. Possible values: loading, opened, closed, failed.

# To track interstitial state changes, connect to the signal
func _ready():
    Bridge.advertisement.connect("interstitial_state_changed", self, "_on_interstitial_state_changed")

func _on_interstitial_state_changed(state):

React to changes in ad state. For example, mute the game sound when the state is opened and unmute when the state is closed or failed.

Show Interstitial Ad

Display an interstitial ad at appropriate moments, such as during level transitions or game over screens.


Last updated